Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Top 6 Healthy Food Options for Diabetics

Article contributed by Rania Paula Today diabetes is an increasing problem, even though most of the cases can be preventable with the healthy lifestyle modifications. Taking steps to control and […] via WordPress

Monday, November 18, 2013

Classic Low-calorie recipes

Article contributed by Tom Reynolds Are you on a diet? Me too.. My situation is made worse by the fact I work surrounded by kitchens on a daily basis at […] via WordPress

Monday, October 21, 2013

Four Of The Best Activities To Keep You Slim

In these contemporary times, the health and fitness industries are thriving as more and more people seek information and advice regarding how to lose weight and get a shapely physique. […]via WordPress diet, exercise, fitness, Abdomen, Calorie, cardiovascular activity, Health, Muscle, Olympic weightlifting, Physical exercise, Physical fitness, weight lifting, weight loss

Friday, October 4, 2013

Five Tips To Lose Weight and Still Eat Your Favorite Yummy Foods

Some people are under the impression that losing weight involves eating a bunch of tasteless and unsatisfying meals. While it is true that you must adjust your eating habits, it […]via WordPress awareness, balance, change, diet, Calorie, Diet, EAT, Health, Meal, Physical exercise, Shopping, weight loss

Friday, September 6, 2013

Certain fruits found to lower diabetes risk

Blood sugar problems like diabetes have been associated with the Standard American Diet (SAD) which is high in refined sugar, fat, and animal products while being low in fiber. Those […]via WordPress diet, examiner, examiner, Food, health, nutrition, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner #HolisticHealth #examinercom, BMJ, Diabetes mellitus, Diabetes mellitus type 2, Ellice Campbell, Fruit, Harvard School of Public Health, Juice, Sugar, United States

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Superfoods: Get a daily dose of these favorites

A persons diet has a direct correlation to their level of health, or lack thereof. It is widely accepted that certain dietary practices can cause, or prevent, a range of […]via WordPress diet, examiner, examiner, Food, health, nutrition, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner #HolisticHealth #examinercom, Colorado, Ellice Campbell, Enlightened Lotus Wellness Founder, Health, Holistic Health, Superfood, United States

Friday, August 2, 2013

5 Foods that Give You a Better Chance of Not Getting Cancer

English: Cauliflower Ελληνικά: Κουνουπίδι

Photo credit: Wikipedia

Following a healthy diet and getting regular exercise are two crucial aspects that make up a healthy lifestyle. Not only do they improve your health, but eating healthy foods and exercising can also prevent your cancer risks. As you read this article, you’ll learn about five foods that give you a better chance of not getting cancer.


Whether you prefer it as a base for salad or sauteed, eating a tasty serving of spinach is critical in preventing cancer. Spinach is not only rich in various nutrients, including Vitamin K, Vitamin A, manganese, fiber, and more, but is also low in calories and full of antioxidants. The plant compounds that comprise spinach are beloved by nutritionists because they work to prevent cancer and prevent bodily inflammation.


Blueberries not only provide a tart snack to your daily diet, but also several health benefits. Blueberries are rich in fiber, vitamin C, manganese, and more. Their deep, rich color also hints at their antioxidant properties. The deep color is a result of the anthocyanin, which is a kind of flavonoid that offers cancer prevention.


While most fruits and veggies are rich in nutrients that prevent cancer, cauliflower is another incredible vegetable that provides remarkable health advantages. Cauliflower is full of choline, fiber, folate, and several vitamins that promote overall health. Cauliflower is also renowned for its ability to prevent cancer through its immense phytonutrient content that is classified as an antioxidant. Cauliflower also promotes proper digestion and prevents inflammation, which can also prevent cancer.


Almonds are nuts that are a great source of healthy fats that prevent inflammation and are also rich in protein and nutrients. Almonds also work to control bad cholesterol and promote good cholesterol levels. Research has also shown that almonds can prevent insulin spikes, making them an ideal snack for diabetics. In terms of cancer prevention, almonds have a tremendous amount of flavonoids that work as antioxidants.


The old saying about an apple a day keeping the doctor away is much more than a historical phrase. Apples are not only a healthy dessert, but are full of fiber and other vitamins. Nutritionists state that apples are full of antioxidants that protect our cells from cancer. By simply including these five foods in your daily diet and visiting the Century Wellness Clinic or one in your local area, you’ll reap unbeatable benefits that can prevent your chances of getting cancer.

Tagged: Almond, Antioxidant, Cancer, Cauliflower, Health, Phytochemical, Spinach, Vitamin via WordPress cancer, diet, Food, Almond, Antioxidant, Cancer, Cauliflower, Health, Phytochemical, Spinach, Vitamin

Friday, July 26, 2013

True to the Organic Diet: 5 Sneaky Ways to Get an Extra Energy Boost

When you’re trying to eat clean, using fruits and vegetables is just regular routine for your three squares a day. However, trying to figure out which foods are going to give you an extra energy boost can be a little bit harder. This is why a lot of people do a blender comparison before they start to eat clean, so they can find a model that gives them the most out of their food. Here are some ideas to get you started!


Bananas are common in smoothies, but they are also great for giving your body a shot of fuel. As your body digests them, it turns the bananas into sugar that your body uses for quick activity boosts. If you really want to increase this, you can also add in a spoonful of peanut butter as well.


Momma always said to eat your greens and this is no exception! Don’t forget to throw in the spinach, Popeye! Spinach gives your body the necessary iron it takes to get through the day and helps keep you awake and active. Fresh spinach is an excellent tasty ingredient that will give your nutrient levels a significant increase, as well as provide a large portion of your recommended iron each day.


Breakfast is a meal no one should skip and smoothies make this even easier. Adding in oranges and grapefruits to your shakes gives you a healthy dose of Vitamin C. It helps your body maintain a constant level of energy throughout the day, and also the ability to fight off potential sicknesses.

Sweet potatoes

They say potatoes make your butt big, but sweet potatoes are actually healthy for you. Cut them up and add them into your smoothies to get a long-lasting source of energy. Their dense structure and carbohydrate-packed insides give your body something to draw off for a longer time during the day.

Spicy herbs

Depending on what kind of smoothies you’re putting together, add in some spicy herbs. These are natural energy boosters and kick your metabolism into high gear. They lift your energy levels as well as your mood and your heart’s performance at the same time. These are excellent additions to your nutritious shakes and should be added in as often as possible.

When you start using these food ingredients for higher energy levels, it will cause your body to crave them even more. It’s about creating a natural habit that is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy.

Tagged: Banana, Cooking, Eating, food, Health, healthy-living, lifestyle, Peanut butter, Popeye, Smoothie, Spinach, Sweet potato via WordPress diet, Food, Banana, Cooking, Eating, food, Health, healthy-living, lifestyle, Peanut butter, Popeye, Smoothie, Spinach, Sweet potato

Thursday, June 7, 2012


"The most important changes do not happen around us, they happen within us."    -Ellice Campbell

 Enlightened Lotus Wellness was founded  on the ideal that everyone has the power to shape their  life as they see fit. Everyone can and should enjoy their life. No one can tell you how to love your life, that is something you must decide for yourself. Are you enjoying yours? Do you wake up excited to face the new day? If so, GREAT!! If not, why? What is stopping you from enjoying your life? Only You have the answers and only You can change your life. Our goal here at Enlightened Lotus is to help you figure out the best version of your life and help you get there. Unsure of where to start? Check out our Get Started page for tips and exercises to help you decide the changes you need to make in order to start enjoying the best version of your life possible. Once you have a plan browse our other pages for information and ideas on Diet & Nutrition, Lifestyle, Mind over Matter, or Inspiration & Motivation.

 Being well is not just the absence of illness, but finding your own unique balance of body, mind & soul. 

Ellice Campbell

Founder of Enlightened Lotus Wellness

I am passionate about changing the way the world approaches wellness while promoting self empowerment.  In order to enjoy real wellness we have to take responsibility for the choices we make, look at our failures as opportunities for growth, and become self aware. I strives to provide you with the tools and techniques that will help you find your own personal version of wellness. Just like the lotus, we may come from murky beginnings but we have the innate ability to rise above and blossom. 
While earning my Bachelor of Science degree in Alternative Medicine from Everglades University, I decided to focus my efforts on educating others on how they can lead happier, healthier lives. My mission became to use my creativity, knowledge and compassion to inspire others to joyfully foster their own version of a wonderful life. I do NOT diagnose or treat conditions, I help you to restore the body, mind, and soul to the balance and harmony it was intended to enjoy. Life does not have to be a struggle, when you are honest with yourself about where you are and where you want to go, when you become aware of the attitudes and behaviors that helped or hurt you, and you commit to changing your life, anything is possible! 

Contact Us

If you would like more information about Enlightened Lotus Wellness and the services we offer, or to schedule your personal wellness consultation, please send an email to: