March is National Nutrition Month, if you haven’t started gearing up for bikini season, this is the month to help you get a little more motivation. I can’t believe March is almost over and still feels like winter where I am. We’re actually forecasted for snow again tonight. Beach season doesn’t feel like it will ever get here! So in honor of nutrition and the upcoming sun, sand and surf season. Here’s a few points on how you can embrace your health and give yourself some love this month.
I had a client call me this morning and tell me she’s been eating clean 80% of the time, dropped the soda completely, been eating breakfast every morning and she can’t believe how much energy she has and how great she actually feels now! I love those stories. I wanted to give her the biggest hug and big sloppy kiss. She totally made my day! I knew she could do it, it’s just getting past that big hump in the beginning that’s the hardest. Those little success stories are what keep me going as a Holistic Health Coach and Healthy Living Advocate. “A little ripple effect” that will hopefully start a change in the world.
So here is 10 things to do for yourself this month (well what’s left of it) ;) But you can continue on and reap all the benefits!
- Try something new! Never eaten brussel sprouts, artichokes, or monk fruit? Try it out once, you may surprise yourself.
- Try to incorporate different greens into your diet. If you’re not too crazy about one, try another. You can always hide them in smoothies too!
- Learn to read a label. You’ll be surprised what you’re really eating!!!
- Start a garden. Grow your own food, eat the things you really like. Visit a farmers market.
- Add an extra glass of water to your diet each day.
- Eat off a smaller plate. You’ll learn portion control and you won’t consume so much food. If you’re still hungry after, then go for seconds.
- Replace processed sugars with natural…honey and 100% maple syrup are great ones to use.
- Choose healthy snacks like nuts, fruit, veggies with hummus, plain yogurt and add your own berries, The possibilities are endless!
- Chose wild caught fish, skip the farm raised. And choose organic or humanely raised pork, beef, and poultry.
- Get in the kitchen, stay out of the drive-thrus. Anything coming through the window is not food!
Hope these little pointers help! Here is a healthy snacks guide you can check out and grab some great, new healthy recipes!