Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Simple solutions for spending less at the grocery store

Healthy food is often more expensive than its junk food counterparts, and when money is tight it is tempting to opt for cheaper food. But before you go for the cheapest food available consider that prepackaged food is often…

Simple solutions for spending less at the grocery store (Video)

Read the whole story: http://www.examiner.com/article/simple-solutions-for-spending-less-at-the-grocery-store

Subscribe for the latest in #HolisticHealth from Enlightened Lotus Wellness Founder, @ElliceCampbell, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner @examinercom

Tagged: Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner #HolisticHealth #examinercom, Colorado, Ellice Campbell, Enlightened Lotus Wellness Founder, food, Grocery store, Holistic Health, United States via WordPress http://enlightenedlotuswellness.com/2013/07/30/simple-solutions-for-spending-less-at-the-grocery-store/ examiner, examiner http://www.examiner.com/user/5292841/articles, Food, Habits, lifestyle, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner #HolisticHealth #examinercom, Colorado, Ellice Campbell, Enlightened Lotus Wellness Founder, food, Grocery store, Holistic Health, United States

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Yoga Mudrasana

Yoga Mudrasana learn and practice.

Benefits of this Asana: massages abdominal organs, removes constipation and indigestion, stretches the back

contributes in good general health, awakens manipura chakra.

Therapeutic application:

constipation, indigestion.

Read the full post Yoga Mudrasana on YOME.

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Friday, July 26, 2013

True to the Organic Diet: 5 Sneaky Ways to Get an Extra Energy Boost

When you’re trying to eat clean, using fruits and vegetables is just regular routine for your three squares a day. However, trying to figure out which foods are going to give you an extra energy boost can be a little bit harder. This is why a lot of people do a blender comparison before they start to eat clean, so they can find a model that gives them the most out of their food. Here are some ideas to get you started!


Bananas are common in smoothies, but they are also great for giving your body a shot of fuel. As your body digests them, it turns the bananas into sugar that your body uses for quick activity boosts. If you really want to increase this, you can also add in a spoonful of peanut butter as well.


Momma always said to eat your greens and this is no exception! Don’t forget to throw in the spinach, Popeye! Spinach gives your body the necessary iron it takes to get through the day and helps keep you awake and active. Fresh spinach is an excellent tasty ingredient that will give your nutrient levels a significant increase, as well as provide a large portion of your recommended iron each day.


Breakfast is a meal no one should skip and smoothies make this even easier. Adding in oranges and grapefruits to your shakes gives you a healthy dose of Vitamin C. It helps your body maintain a constant level of energy throughout the day, and also the ability to fight off potential sicknesses.

Sweet potatoes

They say potatoes make your butt big, but sweet potatoes are actually healthy for you. Cut them up and add them into your smoothies to get a long-lasting source of energy. Their dense structure and carbohydrate-packed insides give your body something to draw off for a longer time during the day.

Spicy herbs

Depending on what kind of smoothies you’re putting together, add in some spicy herbs. These are natural energy boosters and kick your metabolism into high gear. They lift your energy levels as well as your mood and your heart’s performance at the same time. These are excellent additions to your nutritious shakes and should be added in as often as possible.

When you start using these food ingredients for higher energy levels, it will cause your body to crave them even more. It’s about creating a natural habit that is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy.

Tagged: Banana, Cooking, Eating, food, Health, healthy-living, lifestyle, Peanut butter, Popeye, Smoothie, Spinach, Sweet potato via WordPress http://enlightenedlotuswellness.com/2013/07/26/true-to-the-organic-diet-5-sneaky-ways-to-get-an-extra-energy-boost/ diet, Food, Banana, Cooking, Eating, food, Health, healthy-living, lifestyle, Peanut butter, Popeye, Smoothie, Spinach, Sweet potato

Thursday, July 25, 2013

7Up will no longer make misleading claims

Following the conclusion of litigation initiated by the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest, Dr Pepper Snapple Group agreed Monday to stop fortifying certain of its 7UP soft drinks with vitamins…

Antioxidant Soda

Get the whole scoop: http://www.examiner.com/article/7up-will-no-longer-make-antioxidant-claims?cid=rss Subscribe for the latest in #HolisticHealth from Enlightened Lotus Wellness Founder, @ElliceCampbell, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner @examinercom

Tagged: 7UP, Antioxidant, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner #HolisticHealth #examinercom, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Ellice Campbell, Pepper Snapple Group, Soft drink, United States via WordPress http://enlightenedlotuswellness.com/2013/07/25/7up-will-no-longer-make-misleading-claims/ examiner, examiner http://www.examiner.com/user/5292841/articles, Food, nutrition, politics of food, 7UP, Antioxidant, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner #HolisticHealth #examinercom, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Ellice Campbell, Pepper Snapple Group, Soft drink, United States

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Killer Headache? Try these drugless headache cures

Instead of reaching for another over the counter pain reliever, try one of these effective all natural cures.Headaches can arise due to a variety of factors including stress, anxiety, physical overactivity, eye and ear issues, dehydration…

Drugless headache cures (Video)

Get the whole story… http://www.examiner.com/article/drugless-headache-cures Subscribe for the latest in Holistic Health from Enlightened Lotus Wellness Founder, @ElliceCampbell, Arapahoe County #HolisticHealth Examiner @examinercom

Tagged: Analgesic, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner #HolisticHealth #examinercom, Colorado, Ellice Campbell, Enlightened Lotus Wellness Founder, Headache cure, Health, Holistic Health, United States via WordPress http://enlightenedlotuswellness.com/2013/07/24/killer-headache-try-these-drugless-headache-cures/ Alternative Medicine, examiner, examiner http://www.examiner.com/user/5292841/articles, Home Remedy, wellness, Yoga, Analgesic, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner #HolisticHealth #examinercom, Colorado, Ellice Campbell, Enlightened Lotus Wellness Founder, Headache cure, Health, Holistic Health, United States

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Deep Hip Flexor Stretching

This is an intermediate to advanced level vinyasa Power yoga by Ali Kamenova which includes deep hip flexor stretching, hip openers and long shavasana relaxation.

You will need a chair for an elevated feet plank knee tuck exercise

music by www.JewelBeat.com

Read the full post Deep Hip Flexor Stretching on YOME.

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Cancer causing proteins found in recent study

Sunday, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced that researchers had found a set of proteins involved in the body’s natural defenses that produces a large number of mutations in human DNA. The…

Cancer causing proteins found by researchers (Video)

Read more…http://www.examiner.com/article/cancer-causing-proteins-found-by-researchers?cid=rss

Subscribe for the latest in Holistic Health from Enlightened Lotus Wellness Founder, Ellice Campbell, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner @examinercom

Tagged: Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner #HolisticHealth #examinercom, Ellice Campbell via WordPress http://enlightenedlotuswellness.com/2013/07/18/cancer-causing-proteins-found-in-recent-study/ cancer, examiner, examiner http://www.examiner.com/user/5292841/articles, health, Science, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner #HolisticHealth #examinercom, Ellice Campbell

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Arsenic in the apple juice

Last week, Michael R. Taylor, Deputy Commissioner for Foods and Veterinary Medicine at the FDA announced that the FDA has proposed an “action level” of 10 parts per billion

Arsenic in the apple juice (Video)

Read the article in its entirety…http://www.examiner.com/article/arsenic-the-apple-juice

Subscribe for the latest in Holistic Health from Enlightened Lotus Wellness Founder, Ellice Campbell, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner @examinercom

Tagged: Apple juice, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner #HolisticHealth #examinercom, Consumer Reports, Ellice Campbell, FDA, food, Food and Drug Administration, Michael R. Taylor, Parts-per notation, Veterinary medicine via WordPress http://enlightenedlotuswellness.com/2013/07/16/arsenic-in-the-apple-juice/ examiner, examiner http://www.examiner.com/user/5292841/articles, Food, Kids, Parenting, Apple juice, Arapahoe County Holistic Health Examiner #HolisticHealth #examinercom, Consumer Reports, Ellice Campbell, FDA, food, Food and Drug Administration, Michael R. Taylor, Parts-per notation, Veterinary medicine